Green and Growing

** please call the shop, if you are after something else.. we have many other great plants gift wrapped or potted in store

if you or someone you know needs more plants in their life, look no further..

some super stunning terrariums made by the talented bunch at flower pot florist, a stunning phaelanopsis orchid potted ready to enjoy.

everything in our green and growing section is a growing plant, so cannot be sent to hospitals, but they are perfect for home or office.

gorgeous gift wrapped indoor plant
gorgeous gift wrapped indoor plant
green up your home garden hamper
green up your home garden hamper
phalaenopsis orchid plant
phalaenopsis orchid plant
plant runner plant food and neem oil
plant runner plant food and neem oil
spathiphyllum peace lily plant
Out Of Stock
spathiphyllum peace lily plant
plant lover pamper pack
plant lover pamper pack
potted spathiphyllum peace lily plant
Out Of Stock
potted spathiphyllum peace lily plant
growing cyclamen gift pack
Out Of Stock
growing cyclamen gift pack